We are delighted you have chosen to take the next step of your learner journey with us. Here at Bury College, we pride ourselves on providing our learners with a student-focused environment, tailored support and a personal and caring approach.

This welcome page outlines the information you need ahead of joining us and will support you during your time with us as a learner. We wanted to make you aware of all the help, guidance and opportunities available.

Your Commitment

As a Bury College learner, you are making a commitment to comply with our policies, which are there to ensure that everyone is able to work in an environment which promotes mutual respect and enables you to pursue your academic and professional goals.

Adult learner using a computer
Adult Learners in a classroom

Visible ID Policy

For your safety, we operate a visible ID policy, meaning that it is compulsory to always wear your ID badge and lanyard. We must be able to see your ID badge over your clothing.

If you forget your ID, you must replace it immediately by visiting the Woodbury Centre Reception (replacements are free of charge). Failure to adhere to the lanyard policy could result in disciplinary action.

Positive Futures

During your time at Bury College you will develop employability, key study and transferable skills to support your progression to a positive destination at the end of your study programme.

They are a set of essential qualities we seek to develop in all students and are embedded throughout your studies. You may not even realise you are learning them.

Access student talks about their future plans
Adult learners

Bury College University Centre Facilities

This is a dedicated building for adult learners.

Cafe and Social Learning Area

Our café area is a great place to work and socialise. The café offers a selection of freshly cooked food including daily specials prepared in-house. This is open daily from 8.30am-1.30pm as well as Monday and Wednesday evenings from 4.40pm-7.30pm. This contemporary space is ideal for you to relax and enjoy during your time on campus.

Learning Resource Centre

This provides a wide range of books and resources dedicated to your course. It is continuously staffed and evening access is available. There's also some study areas available for group projects. Helpful staff will also guide you to access our online resources,

For further information regarding the Library Resource Centres please contact Karen Hardman on karen.hardman@burycollege.ac.uk

Student expectations 

  • All staff and students are part of the Bury College community and demonstrate respect for that community.
  • We all treat each other fairly and equitably and with respect.
  • Bury College is a place where people become independent, resilient and successful learners.
  • We engage in a shared learning experience to advance academic and professional knowledge.
  • The learner journey takes many different pathways - all are valued.
  • We work together to develop people with the attributes to forge successful lives and careers once they have completed their course. 
  • The tutors and your fellow learners will be here to support you through the transformative process of education.
Adult learner using a computer
Early Years students

The role of your tutor

Your tutor will act as your first point of contact, offering you guidance, support and encouragement. They will also provide the following:

  • Help with identifying and reducing any possible barriers to your learning and, where necessary, directing you to any specialist services if required.
  • Encouragement with developing independent learning skills and self-management.
  • Organisation and delivery of a particular module/unit you are studying.
  • Design and mark unit assessments, monitor your attendance and punctuality within the modules/units and forward any concerns to the Head of Curriculum. 
  • Assisting you in reflecting on your progress and working with you to set actions and targets.
  • Planning and preparation for progression.

Careers Advice

You can also access the services of a dedicated Careers Adviser. They can advise you on potential progression to university, utilise links with job centres and external careers services. They can also help you with your CV, and stage mock interviews.

adult learner support
Adult typing on a keyboard

E Learning

Canvas is our Virtual Learning Environment (VLE). You may be required to access Canvas to complete some of the modules on your course.

You will also be able to access the Adult Education Information Exchange via Canvas. This can be accessed via the Bury College website through the ‘MyVLE link’ by visiting burycollege.instructure.com. Here you will also find lots of other useful information, including about Student Support services and Additional Learning Support,

For distance learning courses you will not use Canvas, you will use a system called eAssessor pro. You will receive an email with instructions on your start date and for information and support on how to use the platform you can email distancelearning@burycollege.ac.uk.

You will not be able to access this through Canvas, the link to follow is  burycollege.eassessorpro.co.uk


We are committed to creating and maintaining a friendly, welcoming and
safe learning environment for all, meaning there is a zero-tolerance approach to all forms of violence and harassment. Your safety and welfare are of the utmost importance and will be protected whether learning is taking place on or off the University Centre premises.

Please email safeguarding@burycollege.ac.uk to report any safeguarding concerns that you might have.

Student services staff speaking to a student
Adult Learner Bricklaying

Further help and FAQs

Can I get help with my course fee?

Some courses are free for eligible learners, this is shown in the course details. Click here for more information on financial support. 

Can I get a loan to help with course fees?

Many of our adult learners pay for their Level 3 and above courses with an Advanced Learner Loan. Discover more information about the Advanced Learner Loan here.

Upcoming Events

Latest News

student stood at a train station

When Isaac Mesike joined East Lancashire Railway for his placement, he never expected to leave a lasting mark. Tasked with designing two new sidings, now Isaac’s Junction, he applied his engineering skills to a real-world project. Read the full story!

two people stood in a classroom

The 10th February marked the start of National Apprenticeship Week 2025 and gave us a great opportunity to catch up with some of our former apprentices. See what they had to say about life after their apprenticeship.