Find out how Temi has grabbed her T Level placement opportunity with the NHS with both hands. Plus how her placement has opened her eyes to all the Allied Health Professionals roles available in the healthcare sector.
Bury College is here to support students, parents and carers. If incidents happen over the holiday period and you require further support please don’t hesitate to let us know when we return on 3rd January so that we can provide support. Our student’s safety is our priority but we are also here to support parents and carers and the wider community.
The college safeguarding team can be contacted on 07713 312773 or email safeguarding@burycollege.ac.uk.
Safeguarding is everybody’s responsibility. If you are concerned that a child is in danger you should call the police on 999. If you are unsure but you are concerned you can report abuse or neglect of a child or an adult with care and support needs.
If there is no immediate danger, or you need advice or information, you can telephone the Multi Agency Safeguarding Hub on 0161 253 5678 (outside normal office hours 0161 253 6606).
You can also contact the NSPCC helpline on 0808 800 5000.
Even if you're unsure, report it so that it can be checked. You can report your concerns anonymously on mcsreply@manchester.gov.uk or 0161 234 5001
There are many services available to support students, parents and carers if you are struggling or want to make positive changes.
The NHS website is extremely useful and provides five steps to mental wellbeing:
The link below provides further details and practical advice: https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/stress-anxiety-depression/improve-mental-wellbeing/
Please find below further services:
Call: 116 123 (24 hours a day, free to call)
Email: jo@samaritans.org
Visit: www.samaritans.org
Please contact if you need to talk to someone or you think one of your family members is struggling.
Call: 0808 800 5000 Email: help@nspcc.org.uk Visit: https://www.nspcc.org.uk/keeping-children-safe/support-for-parents/
The NSPCC is available to support parents or carers to talk about mental health problems.
Call the parents helpline: 0808 802 5544 (Monday to Friday 9.30am – 4pm, free for mobiles and landlines)
Visit: https://youngminds.org.uk/find-help/for-parents/
Call: 03001233393 (9am-6pm Monday to Friday)
Text: 86463 Email: info@mind.org.uk
Visit: https://www.mind.org.uk.
Mind provides resources and information around mental health as well as a local signposting service for further support.
Visit: http://www.youngminds.org.uk/for_parents/worried_about_your_child/depression
If you want to learn more about spotting the signs of depression, follow the link to a free 20-minute online course which aims to equip participants to know how and when to intervene if a person is at risk of suicide: https://www.zerosuicidealliance.com/
If you are a victim of or a witness to any sexual harassment within the college environment then you can report these concerns to the safeguarding team via safeguarding@burycollege.ac.uk or you can speak to a member of the team between 9am and 4:30pm on: 07713 312773
If you have experienced or witnessed this outside of the college, staff can still support you or you can contact these support agencies for advice. If you are in immediate danger then contact the police on 999 or to report non urgent incidents as crimes you can do so via telephone 101 or online at: https://www.gmp.police.uk/ro/report/ocr/af/how-to-report-a-crime/
Bury College is part of Operation Encompass which is a national scheme that operates jointly between Education settings and police forces.
Operation Encompass is the reporting to the College, prior to the start of the next academic day, when a child or young person has experienced domestic abuse and other issues that may impact upon their wellbeing.
Our police force will now share details about children who are missing from home with us so that we can appropriately understand and support their needs when they return.
If you wish to discuss this further then please speak to a member of the team via email safeguarding@burycollege.ac.uk or you can speak to a member of the team between 9am and 4:30pm on: 07713 312773
Child exploitation is something you might hear a lot about on the news. It can be worrying for parents and carers to think about it. By understanding what child exploitation means, you can be more prepared to protect your child if you ever think they are in danger. Please click the links below for further information:
If you're a parent with a concern about a child, you can get excellent advice and support from YoungMinds, they have a free helpline 0808 802 5544 staffed Monday to Friday.
In addition to the ongoing support that our staff offers, there are external advice and support services to help students with health, welfare and emotional needs.
Click here to view our safeguarding information for visitors leaflet.
At Bury College we emphasise the importance of respecting staff, students and visitors to the college and respecting their property and the facilities of the college, which exist for the benefit of all. You are asked to help us create an environment where everyone feels safe and valued and where you can work successfully to achieve your full potential.
The college is committed to the Government’s National Strategy for ‘Prevent’ which safeguards you from extremism and radicalisation. To this end we promote the fundamental British Values of Rule of Law, democracy, individual liberty, tolerance and mutual respect.
Bury College is proud to promote the fundamental British Values of:
These values underpin the college community and are lived out through our ethos. All curriculum areas provide a vehicle to introduce, discuss and further understand these concepts to ensure that students are equipped for life in modern Britain.
The views of students are listened to, valued and actioned enabling them to experience the importance of democracy. This is achieved through student surveys, learner voice forums and student representation on key groups including the governing board.
At Bury College, we embrace the use of different technologies to enhance learning and to encourage our students to be digitally safe and responsible.
Whilst on Bury College’s premises, students’ internet use can be closely monitored, but if you have any concerns about the online experience of yourself or someone else, please do not hesitate to contact the safeguarding team on 0161 280 8528 or safeguarding@burycollege.ac.uk
For further information on how to use social media safely, please visit:
Bury College is committed to creating and maintaining a friendly, welcoming and safe working environment for all.
For more information about Safeguarding at Bury College please email: safeguarding@burycollege.ac.uk or download our latest Safeguarding and Prevent policy from our legal webpage:
Find out how Temi has grabbed her T Level placement opportunity with the NHS with both hands. Plus how her placement has opened her eyes to all the Allied Health Professionals roles available in the healthcare sector.
When Isaac Mesike joined East Lancashire Railway for his placement, he never expected to leave a lasting mark. Tasked with designing two new sidings, now Isaac’s Junction, he applied his engineering skills to a real-world project. Read the full story!
Read how Bury College is supporting employment in the local area with our most recent Work For Us Event 2025.
Find out all about our Apprenticeships Star Awards evening and about our fantastic winners! Read glowing quotes from both our apprentices and their employers.
The 10th February marked the start of National Apprenticeship Week 2025 and gave us a great opportunity to catch up with some of our former apprentices. See what they had to say about life after their apprenticeship.