For help and guidance with remote access, please see the sections below and follow the instructions. If you’re struggling with connecting after following these instructions, you can contact IT Services by logging a call on the job reporting system or by calling (0161) 280 8280.

Remote Desktop Portal

Staff and Students can access the remote desktop portal by clicking here and logging in with their college username password. This gives you access to a desktop experience and allows you to access your files, shared areas and Office applications. For further help with connecting, please see the instructions at the bottom of this page under ‘Helpful Documents’.

Staff Email

Staff can access their email by clicking here and logging into webmail with their college username and password. Staff can also launch Outlook on their college laptop/tablet to access their email.

Student Email/Office 365

Students can access their Office 365 account which includes email by clicking here and logging in with their college email address and password, eg.

Also, as a student you can install the Office 365 apps including Word, Excel and PowerPoint etc onto your own computer. The instructions on how to do this are at the bottom of this page under ‘Helpful Documents’.

Canvas VLE

Staff and Students can access their Canvas VLE by clicking here and logging in with their college email address and password, eg. or

If you have difficulty accessing/using PDF documents please contact the IT team directly and they will be able to support you.

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student stood at a train station

When Isaac Mesike joined East Lancashire Railway for his placement, he never expected to leave a lasting mark. Tasked with designing two new sidings, now Isaac’s Junction, he applied his engineering skills to a real-world project. Read the full story!

two people stood in a classroom

The 10th February marked the start of National Apprenticeship Week 2025 and gave us a great opportunity to catch up with some of our former apprentices. See what they had to say about life after their apprenticeship.