GMCA multiply project logo

Multiply - Enhanced Level 2 Support (2023)

The Enhanced Level 2 Support project aims to support Greater Manchester residents aged 19+ who have already engaged and enrolled on a Level 2 Maths course to achieve their qualification.

Trauma Informed College (2022)

This proposal is to support Bury College to become a mentally healthy place for all. Achieved through delivering training to the whole college, so that it provides a basis for cultural change, and where the wellbeing of all is given sufficiently high priority.  Will involve working in partnership with specialist training provider Beyond Psychology.

AOC and Beyond Psychology
The Queen's Jubilee Logo

The Queen’s Platinum Jubilee Activity Fund (2022-2023)

This project will support 50 young people with learning difficulties / disabilities and who live in disadvantaged areas of Bury with access to a series of community-based sport and leisure activities that will provide new opportunities for them to experience.

Strategic Development Fund (2022-2023)

This project is to support the Construction sector through development and piloting of a short course in collaboration with employers that is designed to address upskilling in key areas and support innovation in the sector.

Department for Education
Department for Education

16-19 Tuition Fund (2020/21, 2021/22, 2022/23)

This funding has been awarded to support Bury College in organising and delivering small group tuition for students aged 16 to 19 in English, Mathematics and other subjects that have been disrupted, arising from the COVID-19 pandemic. This includes vocational and/or academic learning.

Capacity and Delivery Fund (2018/19, 2019/20, 2020/21, 2021/22, 2022/23)

This funding has been awarded to support Bury College in securing genuine and meaningful industry placements for college students. This includes activities such as:

  • Employer engagement activities
  • Student preparation activities
  • Alignment between curriculum planning and industry placement provision
  • Development of matching processes for appropriate student placements
Department for Education
Education and Funding Foundation

Taking Teaching Further (Round 4 and 5 – 2021-2023)

The Taking Teaching Further programme is a national initiative to attract experienced industry professionals, with technical knowledge and skills, to work in Further Education.

Round 4 and 5 funding is to support trainee teaching across the following:

  • Obtaining a Teaching Qualification
  • Detailed Support, e.g. through Work Shadowing
  • Reduced Teaching Workload in first year

Sport England Toyota Parasport (2021-2022)

This round of Parasport funding is to support Bury College in increasing the number of young people aged 14-25 with a learning disability or difficulty, to play sport. Building on the previous year's funding, this project seeks to link students with a range of activities available in the community, including angling, zumba/dance, swimming and adaptive football.  There is a target of 65 participants to be supported over the year.

Sport England Logo
Higher Technical Qualification

Higher Technical Education Provider Growth Fund (2021-2022)

The aim of the fund is to support providers to build and create additional capacity to grow high quality provision and raise the prestige of approved Higher Technical Qualifications amongst learners and employers.

Bury College proposal focuses on the Health and Science Occupational Area, including development of three new Higher Technical Qualifications to be delivered from September 2023:

  • Healthcare Science Associate
  • Sports Coach
  • Healthcare Practitioner

Professional Development for Mentors and Coaches of Practitioners in FE and Training (2021/22 and 2022/23)

This programme is focused on developing high quality mentoring training to support teachers from early careers onwards to develop and progress within the sector in order to improve the retention of new teachers entering the Further Education and Training sector.

The project supports members of college delivery team with professional development training.

Education and Funding Foundation

Recently Completed Projects

Department for Education

Digital and Blended Learning (2021-2022)

College Collaboration Fund (Round 2) - The Greater Manchester Colleges Group - Digital and Blended Learning (2021-2022)

This project extends the Round 1 project, led by The Manchester College (LTE Group), to support digital/blended learning across Greater Manchester colleges. 

Activities include:

  • Developing 'communities of practice' working on key areas (e.g. T-Levels, curriculum areas hardest hit by the pandemic)
  • Supporting catch-up/recovery/lost learning.

Resources created across the partnership are collated on the GMC HQ website:

Digital and Blended Learning (2021-2022)

College Collaboration Fund (Round 2) - Runshaw College Lead - Digital and Blended Learning (2021-2022)

This collaborative project involving Runshaw, Tameside and Bury Colleges, aims to support students joining college in 2021/22 and who may have gaps in their knowledge and skills.

The project has been approved against the theme 'Improving Quality of Education', specifically including:

  • The development of digital content and resources to support remote and blended delivery.
  • Developing support for learners to address lost learning and enable catch up.
  • The creation of a suite of resources for students to access to assist with catch up learning. Click here to access the suite of resources.
Department for Education
Association of Colleges Logo

Test and Learn, Transition (2021)

AoC FE GM Mental Health Project - Strand 1 - Test and Learn, Transition (2021)

The project supports Bury College in delivering a short programme of support to assist the transition process as follows:

  • Group 1 - Transition support for school leavers over the summer / initial induction period, targeting those identified as being at risk of becoming NEET, are vulnerable, and have identified mental health issues
  • Group 2 - Delivering personal support to existing college students progressing from Year 1 to Year 2, focusing on those identified as having additional learning needs / vulnerable, at risk of becoming NEET, have known mental health issues, and who are progressing from a Foundation level course on to a Vocational programme

Sport England - Tackling Inactivity in Colleges (2017-2021)

Bury College was part of national programme that:

  • Provided more opportunities for inactive college students to become more active
  • Was designed to impact on two or more of the five outcomes set in the Government Strategy, Sporting Future (Physical Wellbeing, Mental Wellbeing, Individual Development, Social and Community Development, Economic Development)

Funding was used to support a dedicated workforce overseeing delivery of a wide range of sport and fitness opportunities throughout the college to help engage inactive students become more physically active, together with associated marketing, equipment and resources.

Sport England Logo
European Social Fund

ESF Skills Support for the Workforce (2019 - 2021)

This project enabled Bury College to work with local businesses to:

  • Upskill existing workforces to increase competitiveness of businesses
  • Support individuals recently made or at risk of redundancy to remain in employment or find alternative employment

Savoy Educational Trust (2020-2021)

This project supported Bury College to increase overall training kitchen capacity through creation of a new facility at The Enterprise Centre.

Savoy Trust Logo
The Wolfson Foundation

Wolfson Foundation (2020/2021)

This project enabled Bury College to purchase an accessible minibus for the Foundation Studies team to allow them to introduce additional activities to SEND students.

See our Foundation Studies students riding the minibus here

National Lottery Funded Reaching Communities (2013-2019) – Changing Lives / No Barriers

This community project aimed to improve the life chances of long-term unemployed adults aged 25 and above who had low skills and lived in disadvantaged areas of Bury, through delivery of a programme of information, advice and guidance, training and progression support, a focus around improving confidence, and increasing skills and employability.

National Lottery Funded Logo

Latest News

Catering students in new facilities Catering students developing their skills in the new Bury College Bitsro

The start of the new academic year saw students and staff from our Catering courses move into brand-new facilities.