Welcome to the FdSc in Salon Management, we are really looking forward to you joining us.

Are there any requirements or additional costs?

As part of the requirements of the programme for your practical sessions you will need to purchase a uniform. The uniform order form is included in your enrolment information.

How to purchase – Uniform

Visit www.uniformcollection.com and click 'College’s tab' in the top right-hand corner and student log in. Enter username and password as below.

Follow the simple online process to complete your order.

Please look at their main website for sizing and returns.

You can also refer to the order form for further details if you’d prefer to not order online.

USERNAME - 26672


Uniform Order form

How to purchase - Kit

For those of you who are undertaking the hair pathway you will need to purchase a kit or (check you already have these items) for your Colour Correction Module, and you will need to purchase the two training heads. The information regarding this and an order form if you need to purchase any items can be found below.

Kit Order form

Training Heads Order form

Financial Support

Please note kits will be delivered to the University Centre and training heads to student’s home addresses.

Overseas Trip

This academic year we are planning an overseas trip for our HE students to Barcelona in January 2024.  To ensure we can secure the best price possible we need to confirm numbers by 2nd of October.  Therefore, we have also included some information regarding this exciting trip in your enrolment email.

If you have any questions regarding kits, uniforms or the trip before the course commences, please do not hesitate to contact lynn.duerden@burycollege.ac.uk.

Lynn Duerden

Assistant Curriculum Manager for HE Provision, Programme Lead FdSc Salon Management Degree

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