Are there any additional costs or requirements?

A uniform will cost approximately £36.00 and consists of a tunic and trousers. Own black full shoes complete the uniform. No trainers or sports shoes are allowed.

A kit will cost approximately £226.00. You can find this list below. 

Kit required

AP513 Beauty Essentials make-up palette, 10 well x 1

AP525A Beauty Essentials natural sponges 70mm (4) x 1

AP528B Towelling headband, black x 1

CA555170 Crazy Angel self tan lotion, medium/dark 200ml x 1

CF02300S Kryolan multi-gel medium glitter 10ml, silver x 1

COM1018 Denman long styling brush, 3 row x 1

COMPTTR Pro-Tip comb and brush wallet x 1

DEN71014 Denman no damage elastics, black 4mm (18) x 1

DM322 Beauty Essentials bamboo lip gloss applicator (25) x 1

DM324 Beauty Essentials bamboo mascara brush (25) x 1

GOR113 Hair Tools tint bowl, black x 1

GOR60039 Solida bun ring 70mm, medium x 1

GOR60502 Solida bun roll, medium x 1

GOR60520 Hair Tools hair grips waved, brown 2" (500) x 1

GOR60533 Hair Tools curl clips, double prong (72) x 1

GOR60593 Hair Tools tint brush standard black x 1

GOR60608 Hair Tools butterfly clamps, large black (12) x 1

GOR61004 Head Jog quad brush set x 1

GOR61380 Hair Tools training head wheel clamp x 1

GOR61383 Hair Tools training head long hair 22-24" x 1

MBE005 Mylash flare lashes short, black x 2

MBE006 Mylash flare lashes medium, black x 2

PB001 Hair bag with shoulder strap, black x 1

SNZ2504 Snazaroo starter brush set, blue (3) x 1

SNZ4040 Snazaroo face paint palette, 8 colours x 1

SNZ5223 Snazaroo glitter gel 12ml, gold dust* x 1

STVMIT St.Tropez luxe velvet double sided mitt x 1

TP606F Beauty Essentials tweezers chrome flat claw end 3" x 1

YE848 Beauty Essentials lash/brow tint intro kit x 1

YO820B Salon System lash adhesive black 15ml x 1

YO865 Salon System Naturalash 120 black x 2

Level 2 Kit List

How to purchase - Kit

Please follow the instructions on the Kit order form.

Hair & Media Make Up Level 2  Kit Order Form

How to purchase - Uniform

Visit and click 'College’s tab' in the top right-hand corner and student log in. Enter username and password as below.

Follow the simple online process to complete your order.

Please look at their main website for sizing and returns.

You can also refer to the order form for further details if you’d prefer to not order online.

USERNAME - 26672


Hair & Media Make Up Level 2 Uniform Order Form

Financial Support

In certain circumstances, the college can provide financial assistance for purchasing kit and/or equipment resources through the Financial Support Schemes – details of which are included in the enrolment pack.  If you have any further questions regarding the financial support available, please enquire with Student Services during your enrolment appointment. If you would like to speak to them in advance you can email them on or call 0161 280 8421.

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