The 16 to 19 tuition fund 2022 to 2023 academic year

Bury College has received 16-19 Tuition Fund support for 2022/23, to help reduce the disruption to learning arising from coronavirus (COVID-19).

This funding is to enable small group tuition for 16-19-year-old students in English, maths, and other courses where learning has been disrupted. Students who have not achieved a grade 6 in English and or maths at age 16 will be eligible for support. Students aged 19 to 24 who have an education, health and care (EHC) plan are also eligible for support.

These groups include five students (this may be extended to 7 in exceptional circumstances) and learners are selected either on an individual basis where there are pastoral and wellbeing gaps that are creating barriers to learning, or through curriculum areas where the impact of COVID-19 has identified gaps in learning.

Bury College is focusing activities where they will achieve greatest difference, e.g. by targeting those students working towards grade 5 in GCSE English and/or Mathematics.

Bury College continues to develop and deliver a range of activities to students throughout this year, including:

  • Providing additional 1:2:1 sessions with students, e.g. with Progress Managers
  • Introducing a Personalised Learning Centre, to allow for individual / small group learning / catch-up sessions
  • Providing additional small group English and maths catch-up / revision classes / exam preparation / tutorials
  • Providing additional small group Vocational sessions, e.g. to support catch-up, re-cap, consolidation

Samia Ashraf

Age: 18

Progression: Bury College University Centre Access course

“The Maths and English Skills Boost sessions have helped me a lot. The English sessions have provided me with so many books and GCSE papers to make sure I understood how I would be assessed. The maths sessions have provided me with videos explaining the different topics and lots of useful tasks. For someone who had no Maths or English qualifications, there were so many resources in order to achieve good grades.”

Samia Ashraf
Daisy Ferris

Daisy Ferris

Age: 17

Progression: Level 3 Health and Social Care

“The English Boost sessions are great because it gives me the chance to go through topics that we may not have time to do in the sessions, such as verbs and adjectives. My English tutor let me know about these extra classes and I have found them really beneficial and it will hopefully boost my grade up. The fact they are online has been good because it meant I could easily access the resources.”

Ana Torres-Cardoso

Age: 18

Progression: Level 3 IT

“The Boost sessions are really great. They cover a lot of topics and we can choose what we are having difficulty with so we have the opportunity to improve. My tutor invited me to these sessions and I am grateful for the extra support.”

Ana Cardoso
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