Find out how Temi has grabbed her T Level placement opportunity with the NHS with both hands. Plus how her placement has opened her eyes to all the Allied Health Professionals roles available in the healthcare sector.
The Articles of Government of the College require the publication of arrangements for obtaining the views of staff and students on the determination and periodic review of the educational character and mission of the College and the oversight of its activities.
The Learner Voice is at the heart of the College’s decision making and quality assurance processes.
“When students participate in decisions affecting their learning experiences, they are likely to play a more active role in the providers quality improvement processes – a key level for quality improvement.” - Further Education: Raising skills, improving life chances (DfES 2006c)
The aim of creating a high quality learning experience is driven by the College Mission and Vision:
The College seeks to engage with staff through the following opportunities:
Two Staff Governors (One Academic and One Business Support) and two Student Governors are elected to the Board of Governors and play a full, active part in the business of the Board. In addition to its responsibility to review the educational character, mission, values and strategic priorities the Board also monitors all aspects of the College’s provision, its financial performance and its outcomes for students.
Updated following the Corporation meeting on 2nd July 2018 - Update April 2022
Find out how Temi has grabbed her T Level placement opportunity with the NHS with both hands. Plus how her placement has opened her eyes to all the Allied Health Professionals roles available in the healthcare sector.
When Isaac Mesike joined East Lancashire Railway for his placement, he never expected to leave a lasting mark. Tasked with designing two new sidings, now Isaac’s Junction, he applied his engineering skills to a real-world project. Read the full story!
Read how Bury College is supporting employment in the local area with our most recent Work For Us Event 2025.
Find out all about our Apprenticeships Star Awards evening and about our fantastic winners! Read glowing quotes from both our apprentices and their employers.
The 10th February marked the start of National Apprenticeship Week 2025 and gave us a great opportunity to catch up with some of our former apprentices. See what they had to say about life after their apprenticeship.