A group of former Bury College students, all at different stages of their careers in the Health sector, recently returned to Bury College to offer advice to current Health and Social Care students.

Kim Balshaw attended Bury College between 2018 and 2020, achieving a Triple Distinction star on her Health and Social Care course. She is now a third-year student paramedic at the University of Central Lancashire. She said: “It was an amazing moment providing students with the information I wanted to be given when I was in their place three years ago! The questions asked by students cemented my current knowledge but pushed me to want to better myself and my awareness around the NHS, the Health and Care Professions Council, student life and much more.”

Liz Devine, Health and Social Care Lecturer at Bury College, said: “It was great to see Kim back at Bury College, giving advice to our current students on how to progress into a career as a Paramedic. She has worked extremely hard to get to where she is today. We are super proud of Kim and all that she has achieved and wish her all the best in her future career.”

Also visiting us were former students Abigail Hilton and Robert Philbin. They spoke to a combination of Health and Social Care Level 3 and T Level Health students.

Robert is currently working as an A and E Nurse in Emergency Medicine and also as a Pre-Hospital Emergency Clinician. He said: “The best thing about the course at Bury College was the supportive staff, they made the course much more interactive. I also had an amazing placement that gave me the perfect preparation for work as an Emergency Practitioner.”

If you want to build on your knowledge of the Health and Social Care sector and start to put it into practice in preparation for the next steps into employment or Higher Education, check out our range of Health courses. https://burycollege.ac.uk/courses/vocational/health-and-social-care-level-3

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