Monday 2nd October marked the start of T Level Celebration Week, a great opportunity to showcase the pioneering technical qualification. 

We have been catching up with several current and former students who have all taken advantage of the different elements of what a T Level has to offer. 

Students like Rianna Chrimes have spoken about how much they enjoyed their placement. Rianna is a 2nd year T Level Engineering student who has been working with Manchester-based Struktura and is delighted with the progress she has made on placement. She said: “It is great to get real-world experience and learn how to put my skills into practice.

Digital T Level student Benjamin Sublon Perino has recently finished his IT placement at the Northern Care Alliance (NCA). He was delighted with how the placement went and is now looking forward to the rest of his studies before he starts his career. Benjamin said: "My experience at the NCA was amazing. It allowed me to get some really useful experience, and I now feel more confident in putting my knowledge into real-world situations."

During our recent Results Day event, we celebrated the first cohort of students to complete a T Level. 

Chloe Murphy thrived on her T Level in Childcare, and is now study Primary Education with QTS at Edge Hill University. She loved her time with us and spoke about how her placement improved her subject knowledge. The former Phillips High School pupil said: “The placement I undertook at a local Primary School gave me a unique experience that allowed me to develop my skills.”

Grace Van Der Kamp studied a T Level in Health. The former St. Monica’s R.C High School pupil has loved her time at Bury College and has dreams of becoming a Paramedic. She said: “The course and the College as a whole have helped me to become a lot more confident and made me feel a lot more prepared for the future.” 

T Levels will equip you with the practical skills, knowledge and behaviours necessary for skilled employment or progress to further study, including higher technical qualifications, higher apprenticeships or degree apprenticeships. Click here for more information: 

T Level 45 day industry placement
Where can you go with a T Level
Giving students the skills employers need

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