This Monday marked the start of National Apprenticeship Week, the 15th annual week-long celebration of apprenticeships across the country. This year’s theme is ‘build the future’, highlighting how apprenticeships can equip individuals with the skills they need for a rewarding career, and help businesses develop a talented workforce.

To recognise their outstanding contribution, Bury College have been awarding Apprenticeship Star Awards to an apprentice, nominated by their Learning and Skills Coach, from each area of the apprenticeship provision.

Jonathan Benn, 34, and Elizabeth Capper, 31, were each given a Star Award in recognition of their incredible hard work and respective promotions.

Jonathan, from Chorley, recently achieved a distinction on his Leadership and Management Level 3 with Royal Bolton Hospital. As part of his role, Jonathan codes inpatient episodes, reviews data quality issues, and manages shared service between two NHS trusts. Jonathan said, “The apprenticeship gave me confidence and I have been able to organise myself and my projects a lot better. I have already received a promotion within my department, and the apprenticeship gave me the opportunity to develop further. I am very proud to have been nominated for a Star Award – it was so unexpected!”

Elizabeth also recognised for her achievements while completing her Business Administration Level 3. Elizabeth works at Crickets Lane Clinic, part of Tameside and Glossop Integrated Care NHS Foundation Trust. She has been promoted to a Senior Admin Supervisor, and holds responsibility over 2 teams of 15 staff, managing the services they provide as well as recruitment and training. Elizabeth said, “I have loved taking part in this apprenticeship. I have enjoyed learning about project and stakeholder management. I am excited to progress my career and potentially embark on more training.” She also added, “I feel really proud and overwhelmed to have even been nominated for a Star Award.”

Jennifer Platt, 38, has also been commended for the support she gave to her team, some of whom are completing their own apprenticeships, during the COVID pandemic, as well as her commitment and resilience she has shown. Jennifer is completing a Leadership and Management in Health and Social Care Level 5 with Bolton Cares, and manages four supported living services for adults with learning disabilities, including four staff teams, the rotas and supervisions. She said, “My apprenticeship has changed my whole outlook on my role, and I’ve enjoyed learning new skills and achieving new things. It feels absolutely fantastic to have been recognised for my achievement with a Star Award, I am completely overwhelmed.”

Throughout the week, awards were presented by Councillor Tamoor Tariq, Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Children, Young People and Skills, Eamonn O’Brien, Leader of Bury Council, and James Daly, MP for Bury North.

Eamonn O’Brien, leader of Bury Council, said, “It’s really great to see how important businesses in Bury are for apprenticeships, giving young people fantastic opportunities, but also how supportive Bury College is of their apprentices and how they recognise their hard work.”

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