As a learner you are entitled to:

  • Learning that takes place in a safe, healthy and supportive environment whether it be in college or out of college. We will act on any information which you give us that constitutes abuse both inside and outside college
  • Competent supervision and support for your health and safety.
  • Appropriate and timely information, instruction, demonstration and training (i.e. when needing to use machinery, hazardous substances etc.).
  • A health and safety induction when starting at the college.
  • Regular reviews and assessment of health and safety understanding and its application to practical situations within your subject area.
  • Information in respect to what to do in the case of an emergency, an accident or ill-health.
  • Information on the college health and safety policies and procedures.
  • Safe, suitable and appropriate equipment and materials.
  • Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) to carry out learning activities in a safe manner. PPE provided is course specific.
  • Information on any restrictions or prohibitions that apply in terms of processes, equipment, areas, etc.
  • Contribute to health and safety decisions that affect you and your learning programme via the Student Learning Mentors and the Student Council.
  • Report any dangerous situations or occurrences to any member of college staff.
  • Refuse to do anything that you reasonably consider is putting you in danger.
  • Be listened to, and have support, advice and respond if you inform us that you are under any threat or are being abused in any way.
  • Have all safeguarding issues dealt with appropriately by the college’s designated Safeguarding Persons


As a learner you are responsible for:

  • Co-operating with the college for reasons of health, safety and security, including displaying your college ID badge where appropriate.
  • Adhering to the College Health and Safety Policy and all relevant health and safety regulations, procedures and approved codes of practice.
  • Following the health and safety rules and procedures both in college, on college activities, or on employer premises.
  • Using any tools and materials provided for learning correctly as instructed.
  • Signing out and returning any tools and materials as instructed by your tutor.
  • Making sure you personally adhere to all rules and safe systems of work procedures in classrooms, laboratories, studios and workshops.
  • Not taking any unnecessary risks in operating provided teaching equipment or apparatus. If in doubt always ask.
  • Following the technical information, instruction and training you are given.
  • Complying with rules and signage notices on display to ensure your safety and welfare and that of others
  • Following all rules with regards to maintaining health and hygiene while in college and using teaching equipment shared by others.
  • Never putting yourself or others at risk by your actions during learning examples are: making items, manufacturing, painting, cutting, machining, building, planning, filing, gluing, drilling etc. Take your responsibility seriously.
  • Understanding what Health & Safety Risk Assessments are and why they are used as part of Health & Safety Regulations.
  • Protecting the Environment and using the correct amounts of materials and products during your teaching. Always dispose of products in a correct and safe manner. If in doubt always ask.  
  • Not doing anything that would put you or any other person from college at risk, which includes:
    • Carrying offensive weapons.
    • Possessing/ taking illegal substances.
    • Purchasing/ supplying illegal substances.
    • Consuming alcohol or any other substance which may pose a health risk.
  • Contributing to health and safety by reporting defects, dangerous situations or where you think health and safety can be improved.
  • Co-operating with college staff and following instructions given. Including showing your ID badge on request.
  • Observing any prohibitions or restrictions that apply to you.
  • Reporting any bullying, cyber bullying or harassment.
  • Correctly wearing the provided PPE clothing and equipment provided and using the PPE correctly and ensure its maintained and stored correctly as instructed to do so.
  • Not damaging or misusing anything provided for the purpose of health and safety.
  • Participating in any necessary health and safety training e.g. fire drills.
  • Co-operating with the college procedures to ensure a safe learning environment, which may include participating in the college Learner Behaviour Policy appendix with regards voluntary learner searches.


Formal declaration by the student

I abide by the conditions and spirit of college membership as expressed in the above policy.  I accept that any breach of this policy may result in the college’s disciplinary procedure being applied.


NOTE: Student signature on the Bury College Enrolment Form automatically constitutes agreement to abide by the conditions of this policy.

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