Applicant Details

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Courses applied for

Course One

Course Two


Qualification Name
Qualification Grade
Date Achieved

GCSE English

GCSE Mathematics

GCSE Science

Additional Information

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The college will process the information provided in this form for the purposes of progressing your application or for education, training and administration purposes. We might share this information with third-parties, for example, your school, Connexions, ESFA or prospective employers for apprenticeship applicants.

Information will be processed in accordance with the college’s data protection policy. For more information about how we manage your personal data and your individual rights please visit the college's website

Latest News

student stood at a train station

When Isaac Mesike joined East Lancashire Railway for his placement, he never expected to leave a lasting mark. Tasked with designing two new sidings, now Isaac’s Junction, he applied his engineering skills to a real-world project. Read the full story!

two people stood in a classroom

The 10th February marked the start of National Apprenticeship Week 2025 and gave us a great opportunity to catch up with some of our former apprentices. See what they had to say about life after their apprenticeship.