What are my individual rights?

Individuals have a number of rights in relation to their personal data. These rights might change depending on the lawful basis for processing your data, but they might include:

  • a right to find out details about data processing, if the College holds your information and what it is being used for. You have this right in all circumstances;
  • a right of access, to a copy of the information comprising your personal data referred to as a Subject Access Request (SAR);
  • a right to object to processing that is likely to cause or is causing you damage or distress;
  • a right to prevent processing in certain circumstances (e.g. Direct marketing, accuracy of data contested);
  • a right to object to decisions being taken by automated means;
  • a right in certain circumstances to have personal data rectified, blocked, erased or destroyed;
  • a right to data portability where possible to reuse your personal data on other IT systems

If you would like to raise a query or, request some action regarding one of your individual rights, please contact our data protection officer on dpo@burycollege.ac.uk. We will respond to your query within one month, and more quickly if possible.

The ICO’s website provides further information on scope of these rights and how to exercise them



What can you expect from Bury College

We will:

  • manage your request promptly. There is a requirement on Bury College to respond to requests within one calendar month and will ensure we meet this and where possible respond far sooner
  • ensure our registration with the Information Commissioners Office is current and kept up to date;
  • ensure any third parties who have access to or share our data follow the College’s policies and procedures. Either we have either a Data Sharing Agreement or a Data Processing Agreement, which will allow third parties to act lawfully on the behalf of the College
  • ensure all College employees involved in the collection and processing of personal data are aware of their responsibilities to provide adequate protection and safeguards against unlawful disclosure
  • be helpful, honest, professional, courteous and consistent.
  • provide the relevant information that you need.
  • take ownership of your query.
  • be realistic in what we say we can or can’t do.
  • treat your personal data as confidential; and keep it secure.
  • listen to your comments and feedback on how we can make a better service.


Students: If you wish to exercise one of your rights in relation to your personal data, please contact: dpo@burycollege.ac.uk

Please note if you are seeking access to our personal data (a Subject Access Request), we may require you to confirm your identity. Your request can be delivered to the college at Woodbury Centre, Bury College, Market Street, BL9 0BG or by emailing our data protection officer at dpo@burycollege.ac.uk.


How do I ask a question or report a breach?

The College is registered as a Data Controller with the Information Commissioner, The ICO is the UK's independent body set up to uphold information rights. The College’s registration number is Z7594386.

If you would like to ask a question, make a complaint or raise query in relation to your individual rights you can contact our data protection officer by emailing dpo@burycollege.ac.uk.


What can you complain about?

You can complain to Bury College, if you have been denied any of your rights under the Data Protection Act 2018 or if you believe Bury College:

  • is not keeping your information secure;
  • holds inaccurate information about you;
  • has disclosed information about you;
  • is keeping information about you for longer than is necessary; or
  • has collected information for one reason and is using it for something else;


How to make a complaint regarding your personal data

You have the right to be confident that the College is handling your personal information responsibly and in line with good practice. If you have a concern about the way, the College is handling your information you can raise this with our data protection office by emailing dpo@burycollege.ac.uk.

For complaints about anything else please see our procedure here.

You can make your complaint by letter, e-mail, or in person. Make it clear that you are making a complaint about a matter concerning data protection and provide full details of your complaint. Provide the College with your name and contact address (this can be a postal or email address). If possible, provide a telephone number (this is in case the College needs to contact you to help us to investigate your complaint).

Send your complaint:

  • by email to dpo@burycollege.ac.uk.
  • by letter to: Data Protection Officer, Bury College, Market Street, Bury, Manchester, BL9 0BG
  • or ask a member of staff to help you.


What will Happen Next?

Please see our procedure for dealing with data protection complaints or breaches for more information. Click here

If you are not satisfied with the College’s response to your complaint, you can contact the Information Commissioner’s Office who will investigate your complaint. You can contact the Information Commissioner at: The Information Commissioner, Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire, SK9 5AF. Telephone: 0303 123 1113.

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