Find out how Temi has grabbed her T Level placement opportunity with the NHS with both hands. Plus how her placement has opened her eyes to all the Allied Health Professionals roles available in the healthcare sector.
Individuals have a number of rights in relation to their personal data. These rights might change depending on the lawful basis for processing your data, but they might include:
If you would like to raise a query or, request some action regarding one of your individual rights, please contact our data protection officer on dpo@burycollege.ac.uk. We will respond to your query within one month, and more quickly if possible.
The ICO’s website provides further information on scope of these rights and how to exercise them
We will:
Students: If you wish to exercise one of your rights in relation to your personal data, please contact: dpo@burycollege.ac.uk
Please note if you are seeking access to our personal data (a Subject Access Request), we may require you to confirm your identity. Your request can be delivered to the college at Woodbury Centre, Bury College, Market Street, BL9 0BG or by emailing our data protection officer at dpo@burycollege.ac.uk.
The College is registered as a Data Controller with the Information Commissioner, The ICO is the UK's independent body set up to uphold information rights. The College’s registration number is Z7594386.
If you would like to ask a question, make a complaint or raise query in relation to your individual rights you can contact our data protection officer by emailing dpo@burycollege.ac.uk.
You can complain to Bury College, if you have been denied any of your rights under the Data Protection Act 2018 or if you believe Bury College:
You have the right to be confident that the College is handling your personal information responsibly and in line with good practice. If you have a concern about the way, the College is handling your information you can raise this with our data protection office by emailing dpo@burycollege.ac.uk.
For complaints about anything else please see our procedure here.
You can make your complaint by letter, e-mail, or in person. Make it clear that you are making a complaint about a matter concerning data protection and provide full details of your complaint. Provide the College with your name and contact address (this can be a postal or email address). If possible, provide a telephone number (this is in case the College needs to contact you to help us to investigate your complaint).
Send your complaint:
Please see our procedure for dealing with data protection complaints or breaches for more information. Click here
If you are not satisfied with the College’s response to your complaint, you can contact the Information Commissioner’s Office who will investigate your complaint. You can contact the Information Commissioner at: The Information Commissioner, Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire, SK9 5AF. Telephone: 0303 123 1113.
Find out how Temi has grabbed her T Level placement opportunity with the NHS with both hands. Plus how her placement has opened her eyes to all the Allied Health Professionals roles available in the healthcare sector.
When Isaac Mesike joined East Lancashire Railway for his placement, he never expected to leave a lasting mark. Tasked with designing two new sidings, now Isaac’s Junction, he applied his engineering skills to a real-world project. Read the full story!
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