Bury College students worked together to create a college-wide equality and diversity celebration event.

From artwork displays, to food and live dance and solo performances, students worked collaboratively to produce something personal to them that celebrated different cultures. The event, aptly named Side-by-Side, was a unique opportunity for all students from across the college to come together and express themselves.

Adult learners took part in the celebration along with Bury College students who are currently participating in the No Barriers programme having undertaken workshops on Creative Writing, Food, Art and a Bury Walkabout. This is all part of the No Barriers Legacy Project which highlights Cultural Diversity.

To ensure the days events ran smoothly, Travel and Tourism students were on hand to help project manage whilst Art students perfectly captured the event by photographing the wide range of artwork and activities.

Nathan Gorge, Level 3 Travel and Tourism student said of the Side-by-Side event, “The equality and diversity celebration was brilliant and it was great to work alongside my peers. For the event we designed our own t-shirts, volunteered on the day and served refreshments.”

Joanne McKenzie, Bury College Curriculum Director for Health, Care, Education and Access said, “It was fantastic to see students from across all different departments come together and work collaboratively. Foundation Studies students worked alongside Performing Arts learners to choreograph sing and sign performances and delivered touching renditions of True Colours and the Greatest Showman. It really was an amazing cross-college celebration.”

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