Nineteen Electrical Installation apprentices have completed the new Level 3 City and Guilds Technical Qualification. To recognise this amazing achievement, the Electrical Installation department’s supplier, CEF, have gifted the students their own screwdriver to take forward into their future studies or employment. These were given to the students in a ceremony on their final day, along with certificates to mark the completion of their course.

Ben Hodkinson, a former Parrenthorn High School student, said, “I am very proud of myself and pleased to have completed a course that has prepared me well for my future.” Ben progressed from Level 1 all the way from Level 3 at Bury College, and has now secured a higher apprenticeship with Magill Electrical Ltd.

Joe Jackson, another student, said “I was impressed by how good the course was, and how well it was adapted to changing circumstances.” The former St Gabriel’s R.C. High School student added that the course allowed him to develop the practical skills needed for employment with electrical companies.

Kevin McCafferty, a Branch Manager at CEF, said “we are happy to support Bury College with its current and future students in a joint venture that will help both the college and the pupils.”

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